Reppert & Schäfer

... stands for innovation and advanced personnel concepts. We combine our fast and unbureaucratic work with traditional values such as honesty and reliability! Reppert & Schäfer is, after years of trusting cooperation with public authorities and social insurance institutions, in possession of a permanent employee leasing permit.

Reppert & Schäfer also works as a recruitment agency. The linking of temporary employment and placement enables our customers and employees a mutual non-binding acquaintance prior to permanent employment. This is how the employer finds the right employee - simply and without employer risk. The jobseeker benefits equally from this. If the job does not suit him, there is always the possibility of a new assignment in another customer operation. Thus, he gets a new chance
without becoming unemployed.

Reppert & Schäfer is a proprietary company with headquarters in Nuremberg and a branch in Regensburg. Our customers include companies from industry, commerce, trade and administration. Our employees are also available for temporary short-term staff shortages.

Reppert & Schäfer employs people with a quick empathy, professional / technical staff, warehouse / shipping and production support staff. Of course, we are also available to you as a recruitment agency.


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Nürnberg (09 11) 24 91 99-10
Regensburg (09 41) 7 05 87-0

Unsere Mitarbeiter sind Mo. - Fr.
von 8-17 Uhr für Sie erreichbar.


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